====== Shell recording ====== ===== asciinema ===== Usage: asciinema [-h] [--version] {rec,play,cat,upload,auth} ... Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way. positional arguments: {rec,play,cat,upload,auth} rec Record terminal session play Replay terminal session cat Print full output of terminal session upload Upload locally saved terminal session to asciinema.org auth Manage recordings on asciinema.org account optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit example usage: Record terminal and upload it to asciinema.org: asciinema rec Record terminal to local file: asciinema rec demo.cast Record terminal and upload it to asciinema.org, specifying title: asciinema rec -t "My git tutorial" Record terminal to local file, limiting idle time to max 2.5 sec: asciinema rec -i 2.5 demo.cast Replay terminal recording from local file: asciinema play demo.cast Replay terminal recording hosted on asciinema.org: asciinema play https://asciinema.org/a/difqlgx86ym6emrmd8u62yqu8 Print full output of recorded session: asciinema cat demo.cast For help on a specific command run: asciinema -h [[https://asciinema.org/docs/installation]] ===== doitlive ===== Usage: doitlive [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... doitlive: A tool for "live" presentations in the terminal Basic: 1. Create a file called session.sh. Fill it with bash commands. 2. Run "doitlive play session.sh". 3. Type like a madman. Press Ctrl-C at any time to exit a session. To see a demo session, run "doitlive demo". You can use --help to get help with subcommands. Example: doitlive play --help Options: -v, --version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: completion Output completion (to be eval'd). demo Run a demo doitlive session. play Play a session file. record Record a session file. themes Preview the available prompt themes. [[https://doitlive.readthedocs.io/en/stable/]] ===== Present ===== Simple presentations system with Python and Markdown $ present sample.md [[https://github.com/vinayak-mehta/present]]